Polyverse Publishing

Polyverse Publishing Group

Our Team

About the Founder

Growing up, Polyverse Founder, Louis Force Torres read everything he could find. He wrote, drew, and created stories. Money earned from mowing lawns went to the local bookstore to buy his favorite series – followed by editing the yearbook from 8th-12th grade.

After college, Louis studied cultural storytelling, mythology, and writing, before becoming Director of Publishing for an international business and leadership school. There he specialized in dual language contracts, content modernization, and distribution of over 200+ titles and formats across 52 countries and 22 languages.

In 2021 Louis decided to expand on his creative ambitions by founding Polyverse Publishing. As the leader of an independent publishing house, a business consultant, and book strategist, Louis now works with authors, artists, non-profits, and other publishing organizations to develop title catalogues, creative projects, and organize brands.

A man sitting on top of a chair under a tree.

Connect with our team

A man with a beard and mustache looking up.
Founder & CEO

Louis Force Torres

Louis founded Polyverse Publishing in 2021 as an independent publisher, business consultant, and book strategist.

A woman holding a cup of coffee in front of flowers.

Amy Plesetz

An avid reader and expert biologist, Amy is an active and engaged acquisitions editor, essential in marketing and cover design.

A black and white photo of a woman with long hair.

Claire Nuttall

With a degree in English focused specifically on editing, Claire is a detail  oriented editor specializing in both content editing and proofing.

A man with white hair and wearing a black shirt.
proof reading

Steve Larios

A linguistics expert focused on cyrllic languages, Steve moved to Carpinteria after a military career. He also volunteers time with Bookchurch.org.

A woman in white shirt standing next to wall.

Desirae Braga

Desirae lived and studied in Granada, Spain, finishing her Spanish and Environmental Majors upon returning to Sonoma State. She has been translating for the Resource Conservation District and a welcome addition to the team.

A man is working on an old fashioned typewriter.
Rare & antique books

Ivan Volkoff

A Member Emeritus of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America, and the Verband Deutscher Antiquare, Ivan is our go-to expert in book binding and evaluation.

A woman with blonde hair and white shirt smiling.
European Consultant

Lana Ivanova

Lana Ivanova is a communication coach, business trainer, TEDx speakers’ mentor. After leaving the organizational consulting sphere, she now helps people find their unique communication style and express themselves openly.

A woman smiling for the camera in front of trees.

Hannah Smith

Hannah is a student at Brigham Young University, majoring in both Linguistics and Arabic. She spent over a year serving as a missionary in Poland, and learning Polish. She is now assisting Polyverse with translation projects.